Economic EventTreasury Budget
UnitsBillions of Dollars
Current PeriodJan 2012
Release DateFeb. 10. 12
Consensus for Current Period-42.7
Number of Forecasts8
Economic Surprise15.29 ( 35.81 % )
Prior PeriodDec 2011
Reported Value for Prior Period-85.96
Revised From 
Next Release DateMar. 12. 12
Next Release Time2:00 PM Eastern Time
NoteA deficit of $27.41B as against a deficit of $49.8B in January 2011
DescriptionMonthly Treasury Budget data tends to follow strong seasonal patterns which produce huge fluctuations in the deficit from month to month which does not imply much of long term budget trends. Since the data is not seasonally adjusted, one must compare year to year flows. April tends to be the month where the market regards this report since it has most tax inflows to the Treasury.
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