Economic EventConstruction Spending
UnitsPercentage Change from Previous Period
Current PeriodMar 2011
Release DateMay. 02. 11
Consensus for Current Period0.4
Number of Forecasts40
Economic Surprise1 ( 250.00 % )
Prior PeriodFeb 2011
Reported Value for Prior Period-2.4
Revised From-1.4
Next Release DateJun. 01. 11
Next Release Time10:00 AM Eastern Time
DescriptionConstruction spending represents the payout by builders on residential and nonresidential structures. The principal significance of the construction spending stats is that they are the basis for components of GDP: investment in residential and non residential structures, and state and local government spending. By measuring actual spending, construction spending differs from housing starts, which simply count the number of houses on which construction has begun.
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