Economic EventAverage Workweek
UnitsAverage hours of work per week
Current PeriodJan 2011
Release DateFeb. 04. 11
Consensus for Current Period34.3
Number of Forecasts6
Economic Surprise-0.1 ( -0.29 % )
Prior PeriodDec 2010
Reported Value for Prior Period34.3
Revised From 
Next Release DateMar. 04. 11
Next Release Time8:30 AM Eastern Time
DescriptionThe average workweek (also known as hours worked) is important for two main reasons. One is that it is a key determinant of monthly indicators such as industrial production and personal income. The other is that it is a useful indicator of labor market conditions: a rising workweek early in the business cycle may be the first indication that employers are preparing to boost their payrolls, while late in the cycle a rising workweek may indicate that employers are having difficulty finding qualified applicants for open positions.
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