Economic EventNet Foreign Purchases
UnitsBillions of Dollars
Current PeriodFeb 2010
Release DateApr. 15. 10
Consensus for Current Period5
Number of Forecasts1
Economic Surprise42.1 ( 842.00 % )
Prior PeriodJan 2010
Reported Value for Prior Period15
Revised From19.1
Next Release DateMay. 17. 10
Next Release Time9.00 AM Eastern Time
DescriptionNet Foreign Purchases is the difference between gross purchases by foreigners of U.S. securities minus gross sales by foreigners of U.S. securities. A positive difference indicates net foreign purchases from U.S. residents (U.S. capital inflow: increase in the amount of money available from external or foreign sources for the purchase of local capital assets such buildings, land, machines); a negative difference indicates net foreign sales to U.S. residents (U.S. capital outflow: increase in the amount of money available from internal or local sources for the purchase of external or foreign capital assets such buildings, land, machines).
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