Economic EventFed's Beige Book
UnitsSummary of Commentary
Current PeriodJul 2009
Release DateMar. 03. 10
Consensus for Current Period 
Number of Forecasts 
Economic Surprise 
Prior PeriodJun 2009
Reported Value for Prior Period 
Revised From 
Next Release DateApr. 14. 10
Next Release Time2:00 PM Eastern Time
DescriptionThe summary of Commentary on Current Economic Conditions by the Federal Reserve District. Commonly known as the Beige Book, this report is published eight times per year, used as a basis of discussion at the upcoming FOMC meeting, which is about 2 weeks after. Each federal Reserve Bank gather anecdotal information on current economic conditions in its District through reports from Bank and Branch directors and interviews with key business contracts, economists, market experts, and other sources. The Beige Book summarizes this information by District and sector.
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